

Hi, I'm Sam, here I am with my little monkeys. They bring me daily joy and keep me on my toes! 

I live in sunny Saltdean and am a lover of nature walks, reading, theatre, wild saunas, asian cuisine, Siamese cats and 90's club music! I enjoy making connections with others and sharing ideas.

I'm a working mother in my 40s and a busy bee. I value being fit and active and am mindful of balancing time and energy around my family (not always easy!)

A while back, after a prolonged period of stress, I found myself completely burnt out. I struggled to talk about how I was feeling as I simply didn’t want to worry those closest to me. However when I finally did, it made a huge difference.

I realised from this experience, that sometimes we all need to reach out for support. It's also way better to listen to the messages our body is telling us and establish a proper self-care routine - a lesson I’m keen to share with others.

Self-care means different things to different people - for me it’s meant prioritising sleep, rest, regular exercise, quality nutrition and connecting with people I feel supported by. It also means remembering to have fun when life gets a bit full on!

Healthy habit coach

Sam has always had a passion for helping others, evolving from her days coaching staff at Virgin Atlantic followed by her 20 year career as a personal fitness trainer.

It was through years of working with her clients, she discovered that being healthy is so much more than exercise. She felt drawn to look at the bigger picture and studied counselling, life coaching and nutrition, eventually becoming a qualified Health Coach.

Think of her as your healthy habit creator, fitness expert and life coach all rolled into one!

Her clients benefit from her extensive professional experience as well as her empathic and supportive approach.


Diploma in Health Coaching - College of Naturopathic Medicine

Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training - Premier Training International

Level 3 Diploma in Long Term Health Conditions - Diverse Trainers

Counselling Skills NCFE Levels 1,2,3 - Brighton Metropolitan College

Life Coaching Skills - Varndean College

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